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A Good Feedback from Mrs.Garlene Layne-Abshire
- An Art Teacher in City of Pikeville, KY, USA -- August 8, 2013

It was so wonderful meeting you, taking the classes with you, and especially becoming the owner of "Ode to Plym Blossom!" My husband and I feel blessed to have met you and have become your friends!! Shirley, please take care of your health. Remember that although you want to keep pursuing your art career, your health and your family must come first! We love you and we do care about you :-)

I so envy your artistic talent!! I wish I had only a twinkling of your talent, if only a thimble's worth! I wish I could take a year's worth of classes with you!! I so admire that you can take time from life and take classes like you do!! I love the arts, especially visual art. I just wish I had more training. I wish I had the funding and the time to do so!!

I enjoy reading your greetings so please keep doing them. This lets me keep up with you and your world.

Your lifetime friend,

Garlene Layne-Abshire

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, you are welcome to write to or leave your message on Message Board.

Shirley Yiping Zhang
August 13, 2013(Beijing Time)