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Shirley Sings the Chinese Folk Song 070: Fu Lao Xianqin My Elders & Folks in the US--001


Listen to Shirley Singing the Song Mon, Nov 17, 2008 in the US

Today, while I was writing the greeting letter on my web site and when I recalled the long path that my life has taken, from Beijing, the frontier between of China and Russia -- university ? college by the Tai Lake and Yangtse River -- companies and universities by the South Sea of China -- Europe -- Australia -- US... I could not help thinking about the many people who have helped me, guided me, cared for me, loved me and saved my life... Right now, some of them have gone, some of them have retired, most of them are still working hard in their positions... and for   me, I am so lucky to have had the opportunity to start a new chapter in my life as an international student in the US… How many people are still working there or here to help me, support me and care for me… At this time, when I have made a little progress in my studies and in my life, how could I forget any of them? I would really like to sing a song for all these people, and for you, to express the endless appreciation in my heart...

So, I stopped my writing to sing and record this song -- Fu Lao Xianqin My Elders & Folks as the first Chinese folk song that I have sung in the US.

I learned this song in August, 2006 and in our company's Spring Festival Party in Feb, 2007, I sang it for the first time for my colleagues.

Even though here, in my little apartment in the US, I have only very simple conditions in which to sing and to work on my recording, I do hope that my former and current colleagues, bosses, business contacts, teachers, classmates, friends, family members and all the people who come to my little web site will hear the song that is flowing from my heart, and will know of my endless appreciation of the world and of all of the kind people and you ...

I really hope that the Chinese lyrics of this song will help to you to learn more about Chinese language and culture... Also I hope that my vocal music teacher Mr. Huan in China will find that my singing skill has made a little progress.

Shirley Zhang
Nov 17, 2008


Listen to Shirley Singing the Song Mon, Nov 17, 2008 in the US

Listen to Shirley Singing the Song Sat, August 5, 2006 in China

A telephone call from one of my former students from Harbin City of Heihongjiang Province reminded of my first work experience as a fourteen and half year old teacher in the northeast frontier many years ago. This was in the last years of the Cultural Revolution and I was one of millions of young city students who went to the countryside in accordance with Chairman Mao’s requirements.

Today, people think that our generation was held back, and that is true. However, on the other side, I also feel it was not a too bad a thing to have a hard time as one sets out on the path of life. At least I had seen that in these remote places there were many children in need of a good education. I had known how the army men before us assarted the wild land on the frontier with their hard work. I had learned how to be a responsible teacher and a real person from that land and from those kind local people...

After experiencing the coldest winters and the test of near death when I was very young, today I seldom feel any work is too hard even though sometimes we had to work for two days and two nights continuously, to work overtime for 7 weekends, to give up the May Day holiday, important for most people, for 7 years. I did not even know that I was entitled to 10 business days' holiday with salary until 2 weeks ago, because I had never thought to ask for a holiday from the company, since we have had the national holidays more and more and our work time has been shortened to 5 days a week... :-)

So, from this angle, the hard experience of my past has changed my wealth and it is helping me to cherish today's happiness much more. It is helping me to always keep a grateful heart and to live, to treat others and to see this world with many smiles and a bigger heart...

With a appreciative heart, I learned to sing the Chinese Folk Song My Elders and Villagers in tonight's vocal music lesson, I wanted to sing it for the people who have gone to, or still work and live in these remote places, who had helped me and had taught me as I took my first steps on the path of life. I do hope that they can hear the song from my heart…

I do hope my singing is a little help to you in knowing more about Chinese culture and the Chinese language. :-)

Listen to Shirley Singing the Song Mon, Nov 17, 2008 in the US

Listen to Shirley Singing the Song Sat, August 5, 2006 in China


My Elders and Folks

I was born in a little mountain village,
there are my elders and folks there.
they are full of the stories in their moustache,
there is the local accent in their smiles.
One by one,
they call me with my infant name,
how much kindness,
how much love dearly,
how much happiness...

Ah, elders and folks,
my elders and folks
who are hardworking and virtuous.
I can not forget my root
even though I have grown up as a high tree...

I have been to many little villages,
there are my elders and folks everywhere.
they raised me with millet food,
they showed me how to be a good person.
They sent me off when I had to leave home...
How many careful instructions repeatedly,
how many expectations,
how much deep affection...

Ah, elders and folks,
my elders and folks
who are hardworking and virtuous.
I can not forget my roots
even though I have grown up as a tall tree...


一个 --   Wo sheng zi yi ge xiao shan cun ,
我的父老 --   na li you wo de fu lao xiangqin 。
事 --   Huzi li zhang man gushi ,
乡音 -- han xiao li mai zhe xiangyin 。
-- Yi sheng sheng han wo ru ming,
-- yi sheng sheng han wo ru ming,
多少昵 -- duoshao qinni ,
多少 -- duoshao tengai ,
多少 -- duoshao kanxin。

啊,父老 -- A, fulao xiangqing,
啊,父老   -- A, fulao xiangqing。
勤劳善良父老 -- wo qinlao shanliang de fulao xiangqin,
--   shugao qianchi ye wang bu liao gen。

少小 -- Wo zhuguo bushao xiao shancun ,
到处我的父老 ? dao chu you wo de fulao xiangqin 。
米饭 ? Xiaomi fan ba wo yang da ,
风雨 ? fengyu zhong jiao wo zuo ren 。
? Lin bie shi song wo shanglu ,
? lin bie shi song wo shanglu ,
叮咛 ? jiduo dingning ,
? jiduo qidai,
? jiduo qingshen 。

啊,父老 -- A, fulao xiangqing,
啊,父老   -- A, fulao xiangqing。
勤劳善良父老 wo qinlao shanliang de fulao xiangqin,
shugao qianchi ye wang bu liao gen。

Listen to Shirley Singing the Song Mon, Nov 17, 2008 in the US

Listen to Shirley Singing the Song Sat, August 5, 2006 in China

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please write to, or, You are also welcome to publish your opinions in Forum For Friends. :-)   
Written, Translated and Recorded It on Sat, August 5, 2006