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Shirley's Essays: Lives - 003: Writing For My Elder Brother--003:What I Had Realized...

It was so sad thing to lose my brother. I could not sleep whole of night when I got this news...

However, I also realized that my brother went with the love of my parents. I realized that is not every child can get this kind of treatment by their parents. He in fact was a most lucky person to live in my home... to have my mother and my father to be his parents...

I in fact have a couple of the best parents in the world... I should write a book for my brother and my parents...

Do you know? My parents and my brother are so beautiful people... They look like very pretty...

Maybe that is a good thing for my parents, especially for my mother, finally she accomplished her responsibility and she can be free first time... just for my brother, she did not go her hometown many many years, and she could not leave of the home few days...

My mother affects me so much. Just she lets me know as a woman, should be responsible for her child and family... just for the education of her, I did not go on a wrong way in so many years when I am living in a totally strange city by myself... Also just for the affects of her, I love to read, to write and to think with my own mind...

I can feel both of my mother and my father are relying on each other so much... maybe the power of love of theirs support them to go over so long life road and to take care a so poor son for 48 years together...

Every one who comes to my home admiring my brother for his smart and for him to be taken care so nice...

Could you imagine? He has been on the bed many years, but, there is no any bedsore on his body... My mother made kinds of things for him with the feather for him to lie on¡­

He took part in to discuss everything in my home. He played chess with my father. He could ask any requests as the others in the family... he was an equal one with the other member in the home.. He was the elder brother. He should be respected by his young sister...

He knew many things in the world. He could talk about the things in the world as any people, because the first radio of my home was on his bed, the first TV in my home was in his room, the newspaper of my home was given him to read at the first, the sitting room of my home became   his room in the day time. Even, he had a monthly magazine about flights...

He helped me to recite the text to past the national examination. He taught me the complex mathematics. Many   nights, he asked me questions while he lied on the bed. I gave the answers sitting on the floor...

I do not know how can my parents bear the loneliness when they lost my elder brother, so, I wanted to go home, maybe I should go to pick them up to my city, to go out of the sad environment¡­

Written in the night that my elder brother was gone on 15th.,November,2002
Edited on 28th.,.June,2005