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Warning: mysql_data_seek() [function.mysql-data-seek]: Offset -9 is invalid for MySQL result index 4 (or the query data is unbuffered) in /usr/home/hyu1173740001/htdocs/new/art/exhi2.php on line 369
At 5:30 to 8:30p.m.,Tuesday, Feb 25, Mrs. Marilyn Dunn ¨C a senior vocal music and piano instructor at Ozarks Technical Community College organized two of her students to attend my demonstration of cross-culture and comprehensive art.
  At 5:30 to 8:30p.m.,Tuesday, Feb 25, Mrs. Marilyn Dunn ¨C a senior vocal music and piano instructor at Ozarks Technical Community College organized two of her students to attend my demonstration of cross-culture and comprehensive art.
  Mrs. Marilyn Dunn ¨C a kind and experienced vocal music and piano instructor at Ozarks Technical Community College organized two groupd of her students to attend my demonstration of cross-culture and comprehensive art at 5:30pm to 8:30pm i...more
Kymberlee completed her first Chinese Xieyi Painting with a big smile. :-)

If you have any questions, comments and suggestions, please write to shirley@ebri...more
  Kymberlee completed her first Chinese Xieyi Painting with a big smile. :-)

If you have any questions, comments and suggestions, please write to shirley@ebri...more
  I did feel this student quite talent and there is a good genius on Chinese paintings when I looked at his first work on Chinese paintings.

You see his red flower, how alive and his colors were used so nice.

So, I encouraged h...more
I did feel this student quite talent and there is a good genius on Chinese paintings when I looked at his first work on Chinese paintings.

You see his red flower, how alive and his colors were used so nice.

So, I encouraged h...more
  I did feel this student quite talent and there is a good genius on Chinese paintings when I looked at his first work on Chinese paintings.

You see his red flower, how alive and his colors were used so nice.

So, I encouraged h...more
  I was impression on this student very much for his strong interested in Chinese language and paintings.

Almost every time he met me anywhere, he had most questions about Chinese language and Chinese characters. Last time, when I was...more
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