Title: Shirley's Art Works 910 & Mixed Gongbi & Xieyi 12nd-Landscape -N12 - August 16 -17, 2014 |
Artist: Shirley Yiping Zhang |
Size: 27cm x 27 cm ( 13.38inches x 13.38 inches) Chinese Ink, Silk |
Completed Time: August 17, 2014 |
Remarks: This is My the 911st PaintingI have completed since 2003 and it is my 12nd Mixed Gongbi and Xieyi Painting,and the 13rd painting since I finished the first phase's study at Chinese National Academy of Arts July 15, 2014.
I started this painting at a very special time, that I just got the news that I had been rejected by the MFA program at Missouri State University.
Just like the best medicine, along with worked on it, one hour by hour, my heart was getting better and peaceful.
How do you think of the two paintings? Do you enjoy them?
If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, welcome to write to shirley@ebridge.cn, you can also publish your opinions on Message Board . :-)
--Shirley Yiping Zhang August 17, 2014 |