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Ebridge Cross-culture and Comprehensive Art series II-1 was published by Jinan University Press May, 2013

When I had basically finished the work on this product, I felt that I should say something more
Many friends are surprised that I am busy and there are always many things for me to do even though I have been free from my stressful career life in the seaurties industry
The answer is: I am a dreamer
I was lucky enough that I had made almost all my dreams come true in my former career fieldRight now I can continue my childhoods dream, which may   become my new career that I am going to pursue for the rest of my life
Anyway, without the good guidance, help and support from so many good organizations and individuals, I wouldn’t be the person who I am today.
With a grateful heart, I would like to thank the organizations below:
Missouri State University, USA
Springfield Regional Arts Council, Missouri, USA
Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce, Missouri, USA
Art Department of Drury University, Missouri, USA
Humanities & Fine Art Department of Ozarks Technical Community College, MO, USA
City of Pikeville, Kentucky, USA
Eastern Kentucky Expo Center, USA
The Artisan Alliance of Pikeville City /Pike County, Kentucky, USA
Kentucky World Language Association, USA Kentucky Chinese Teacher Association, USA
Confucius Institute at University of Kentucky, USA
Graduate School / Chinese Painting School at Chinese National Academy of Arts Chinese Painting School at China Central Academy of Fine Arts
Jinan University Press
Beijing University Shenzhen Hospital
Shenzhen Far East Women and Children Hospital
Shenzhen Futian People Hospital
Shenzhen First, Second and Third Peoples Hospitals
Hospital of Shenzhen Armed Police Force
Shenzhen Securities Information Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Panorama Network Co., Ltd
Shenzhen E-bridge Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd.
Jiangsu E-bridge Culture Development Co., Ltd.
I would also like to thank:   My Deceased Mother—My first Chinese language and music teacher
My Father—My first art teacher.
My Deceased Elder Brother—A dear family member who has influenced me positively since my childhood
My Son—My hope, happiness & motivation to live, work and study strongly, healthily and positively.
My Younger Brother & Sister in Law —Dear family members whom I can rely on at any time.
My Sister & Brother in Law—Dear family members whom I can count on always.

王立人先生Mr Liren Wang—My first professional art teacher, he opened my eyes by teaching me to pencil sketch, paint from nature, gouache and oils He was the first to recognize my artistic      potential when I was a teenager
沈绍祖先生Mr Shaozu Shen—My boss after I graduated from university, he chose me as the first Chinese classical literature and language instructor at his college The resulting 9 years of teaching experience laid a firm foundation for my present comprehensive art exploration
王师勤博士与李肇文先生Dr Shiqin Wang and Mr Zhaowen Li—My first bosses, tutors and guides in the Chinese securities consultation industry, the fruit of their teaching, which involved much effort on their part and the most strict training was a series of 6 books and that gave a strong professional foundation for me to enter the first Stock Exchange of PRC and to work in the Chinese securities field
夏斌先生与武凤仪先生Mr Bin Xia and Mr Fengyi Wu—My second bosses at the Shenzhen Stock Exchange and my first bosses in the Chinese securities news industry, the huge professional latitude and the enormous support that they gave me aroused in me an endless positivity towards studying, creating and exploring Not only did I become an expert in my field of work, giving rise to the brightest 10 years in my career, but also, the work on the Internet, newspaper, magazine, series books, database, CD, and multimedia products and management fields, laid the best basis for my present dreamseeking
米盖尔·麦克维先生与约翰·海顿先生Mr Migual Mckelyel and Mr John Hayden—My first American English teachers, with their good teaching and help, I translated my first books, containing at total of 093 million words from English into Chinese and started my first crosscultural study and work
苏希嘉博士与陈洁平博士Dr Xijia Su and Dr Jieping Chen—My first English consultants and proofreaders which they did for no cost, one studied and lived in America for 16 years and is now a Professor and Associate Dean at the China European International Business School; the other is a CanadianChinese and also a professor at the same school I relied on their unselfish assistance and recommendation for my first crosscultural publication to be published and become the foundation of my new publication
查理·金先生Mr Charlie King—My deceased American art teacher, he led me to restart on the path of painting study and this has been a positive influence on me even to this day
麦克·乔伊斯先生Mr Mike Joyce—My first English tutor from England He checked and corrected all of my writing for this publication and has helped voluntarily   for 8 yearsWithout his help, I would not have courage to start my website and I would not have been able to complete this product
马萱老师Ms Xuan Ma—My first music teacher, she taught me for 4 years and set me on the path of music writing and singing
蒙伟业教授Prof Weiye Meng—My music writing directorHe checked and corrected my music score, coached me in my singing, directed me in making the recordings and accompanied me on the piano for all the songs on the recording
陶辉教授Prof Hui Tao—My first Chinese Flower and Bird Painting teacher, he taught me for 8 years and led me on the path of Chinese painting study
郭亚凯老师MrYakai Guo—My first tutor at China Central Academy of Fine Arts, it was because of his good direction that I entered China Central Academy of Fine Arts, where I have been a fulltime art student since 2010.

李刚老师Mr Gang Li—My first Chinese Landscape tutor at China Central Academy of Fine Arts, he taught me how to paint from a stone to a tree, and led me to the field of professional painting
孙琪老师Mr Qi Sun—My first tutor at Chinese National Academy of Arts, he led me go to CNAA and find the best place to work on my dream
饶晓斌MrRobert Rao Xiaobin—My first tutor from Shenzhen Personnel Bureau and Shenzhen University He recommended me to study abroad, then I got my first master degree and my art dream come true in USA
克利夫顿·M 斯玛特博士 Dr Clifton M Smart—The first President of an American University (Missouri State University) whom I wrote to He read my letters in person and he asked his assistant to respond me quickly
贝琳达·麦卡锡博士Dr Belinda McCarthy—The former Provost of Missouri State University She approved my art exhibition in the university in 2010 It helped me have a temporary foothold while I waited for my work schedule to go to City of Pikeville, Kentucky in May, 2010 I then had an opportunity to see an American eye-doctor and the diagnosis on my eye problem in USA, was of much help in later diagnosis of my other sicknesses in China Anyway, before she and her husband came to my art exhibition, I did not know her and did not even know there was a position called “Provost” in a university
刘文豪博士Dr David Wenhao Liu—My first work partner and tutor from Stanford University and The University of California If there was not the patient teaching over the long distance in phone calls for about 6 hours and the positive comments and judgment on my study ability at the most difficult time that I had prepared to give up studying abroad, I would not be able to get my master degree on the mainland of the United States   
大卫·梅纳特博士Dr David Meinert—My first Professor in USA and the Associate Dean of the College of Business at Missouri State University His strict but humanized management style, gave me the confidence to complete my master degree even when I did not think that I could earn it
安娜·布拉舍女士Ms Anna Brashers—My first “Guardian Angel” in USA, as the Administrative Assistant of the College of Business Administration at Missouri State University, she offered me the most help in my academic and personal life in the USA
宫小欧先生Mr Xiaoou Gong—My first private tutor and schoolfellow in America, with his great effort and patience and in his vacation and free time, he helped me hold the essential knowledge and skills in the most difficult crossesAnd then he found that I could paint and he introduced me to the local chamber of commerce and art organization
布莱德·勃顿豪斯Mr Brad Bodenhausen—As my first sponsor, and the Executive Manager of Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce, Missouri, USA, he and his organization held my first art exhibition and my art dream became true in America in 2009
丽雅·汉密尔顿女士Ms Leah Hamilton—As my first sponsor and the Executive Director of Springfield Regional Arts Council, Missouri, USA, she and her organization held my first art exhibition, my art dream realized again in America in 2009 and in 2010
斯蒂芬妮·克拉姆Ms Stephanie Cramer—As my first art director in America, Director of Programs and Expositions of Springfield Regional Arts Council, Missouri, USA, she arranged every detail of my first art exhibition in USA
兴华·海克女士与杰瑞·海克Mrs Hing Wah Hatch & Mr Jerry Hatch—My first TaiwaneseAmerican friend who is an art instructor and an American artist who is an assistant professor in Missouri State University, they offered the most help with my first crosscultural and comprehensive art practice in USA
罗宾·楼女士MsRobin Lower—The Director of the Art and   Design Gallery I knew at Missouri State UniversityShe directed and helped me to hold my first art exhibition at   MSU in 2010She did almost everything to make the exhibition work
托马斯·林博士DrThomas Lane—The first Director of Student   Union I knew in USAHe and his assistant did every detail things and arranged everything, helped and supported me to ensure the exhibition worked at Missouri State University
爱德华·张DrEdward Zhang—The first and the only American- Chinese professor who taught me face to face at Missouri State UniversityHe helped me by doing the most logistics jobs on my cross-cultural communications in USA in 2010   
秦惠萍博士与皮特·梅德林博士DrHuiping Chinn & DrPeter   Meidlinger—The first professors I knew at Drury University They facilitated my first two Chinese painting demonstrations in their universityDrChinn personally created the poster for the event   
杰勒德·杰西卡博士DrGerard Jessica—The first instructor I knew at Ozarks Technical Community CollegeShe arranged everything for my workshops at her college and she personally created a poster for me in 2010
凯瑟琳·L.克莱门博士 DrCatherine LClemens—The head of the Humanities and Fine Arts Department at Ozarks Technical Community CollegeShe was the first one who approved me to have a good Chinese art workshop at her college in 2010   
哈里特·米尔斯女士MrsHarriet Mears—My first “American   Mother” and former art instructor of Art Department at Drury UniversityShe offered me free accommodation and looked after me very considerately when I was in USA in 2010   
乔·詹金斯先生MrJoe Jenkins—The first successful American   entrepreneur I knewBoth of he and his wife offered me much actual support and help by looking after 64 of my paintings in USA in 2010   
桂正梅女士MrsPat Hickey—My first “Elder Sister” in USA She made appointments with doctors for me, drove me to see doctors at the time she herself was still sickShe also offered emergency assistance when I was working in an art fest in 2010      
邱晓MrXiao Qiu—My first “Temporary Son” and schoolmate at Missouri State UniversityHe is as young as my son who is in Australia, but he offered most considerate help when I held my art exhibition in USA in 2010   
MrJohn David Lawson—The first American friend I knew from   a church in USA and a Professor at Springfield Institute of ReligionHe offered the most help in my study of Christianity by arranging 4 missionaries to help me learn Bible
MsTracy AGardner-Snodgrass, MsErin Hughes, Ms Kanvnila Price, MrDave Cowens, MsCindy Bylander, MrCalvin LAllen, MsRosliand, MsStephanie Lemons, Mr Kevin Zimmerman and MrsWanda Rudolph—They organized the last 18 successful art workshops for me in their schools in MO, USA in 2009 and in 2010.
周毅然先生Mr Yiran Zhou—The first American Chinese teacher who I knew in Kentucky, USA, he found that I was doing a very interesting and meaningful work and he introduced me to an art authority and the local Chinese Teachers Association
比尔·布什博士Dr Bill R Booth—The first American art professor that I knew in America, he was not only the first one to check my art study works from a professional angle in 2009 (and is still directing me now), but, he also personally drove for 2 hours to the City of Pikeville and introduced me to the local government
修华静博士DrMask Huajing Xiu —The first Director of a Confucius Institutes whom I knew at University of Kentucky, USA With a good insight, she found something meaningful in my comprehensive art and she invited me to share my ideas and explorations with more Chinese language teachers and students in USA
兰迪?巴锐特先生Mr Randy Barrette—The first President of a Language Association whom I knew in USA (Kentucky World Language Association), with a good insight, he invited me to share my ideas with the local Chinese teachers in 2011 Kentucky World Language Conference It gave me the first opportunity to summarize my study, thinking and exploration on theory It became the landmark for me to enlarge my comprehensive art exploration into language field and a bigger market
王燕女士MrsYanwang —The first Chairman of the Chinese Teacher Association whom I knew in USA She and her colleagues 李珊珊女士,Mrs Shanshan Li, 塔拉·艾萨克女士Ms Tara Isaace, 陈红女士Mrs   Hongchen, 雷切尔·洛斯女士Ms Rachel Losch, 雷雪莲女士MsXuelian Lei,organized 18 Chinese art demonstrations and workshops for me at their schools in Kentucky, USA, in September, 2011
林敏先生Mr Min Lin—The first editor I knew from an English newspaper in China He discovered my efforts to bring Chinese art and culture to the outside world He supported and encouraged me to open a column on Chinese culture in an English language newspaper
张全先生Mr Charlie Quan Zhang—My first work partner of this project, without his support on technology, this product would not work
郑颂博士与周明先生Dr Song Zheng and Mr Ming Zhou—My last bosses in the Chinese securities multimedia information industry With broad mind and good insight, they offered strong support during the time I was in USA, when I was sick, and then when I went to Beijing This enabled me to keep studying, thinking and exploring my art dream until now

张秋娟教授ProfQiujuan Zhang, 刘郁博士Dr Yu Liu, 宋阳医生DrYang Song, 袁治东医生DrZhidong Yuan, 林琦医生DrQi Lin, 刘映霞医生DrYingxia Liu刘蓉DrRong Liu,龚敏Min Gong—My doctors and headnurses from 7 hospitals in Shenzhen If it were not for them, I would not be able to stand and would not be able to pursue my current dreams
张树良Mr Shuliang Zhang, 于延杰女士Mrs Yanjie Yu, 邵春Mr Chun Shao,吴德华先生与曹雪芬女士 Mr Dehua Wu and Ms Xuefen Cao They have done most jobs to help me in Shenzhen and Beijing

王华博士与徐义雄先生Dr Hua Wang and Mr Yixiong Xu—My first publishers in the art field, as the former and the current Presidents of Jinan University PressBy their good direction and help, my dreamseeking can go forward
斯蒂芬·罗宾耐特先生Mr Stephen HRobinette—My first American advisor As the Assistant Vice President of Missouri State University, at almost every key point, it was him who gave me the simplest but clearest opinions and directions
蒋亚平教授Mr Yaping Jiang—My first director in the Internet field, as the founder of Peoples Daily Online, he has been a good advisor and supporter in the process of my crosscultural and comprehensive art dream exploration
霍学文先生Dr Xuewen Huo—The first government officer I thought of at the moment that I thought I would pass away when some serious pains from several sicknesses hit me at the same time and I almost could not move because of the problem on my spine, I wished to get support from the Chinese government so that my little crosscultural and comprehensive art exploration project could be continued Even though we met just once 12 years ago, it was he who spent much time and energy encouraging, helping and directing me…
多诺万·布莱克波顿先生Mr Donovan Blackburn—The first sponsor of my art exhibition in Pikeville City, Kentucky, USA in 2013, as the city manager, he is one of the best supporters of my dreamseeking road
斯蒂芬·St约翰先生Mr Steve St John—An American friend who I havent met and the General Manager of Eastern Kentucky Expo Centre, Kentucky, USA, where I was due to hold an art exhibition in 2010, When I called him to say that I had some health problems,he suggested that I gave up my visit to his city even though he had already started to promote the exhibition He then liaised with local government to organize my art exhibition in Pikeville City in 2013
丽·安·休斯女士Ms Leigh Ann Hughes—The Grant Administrator of City of Pikeville and the Director of the Artisan Alliance of Pikeville/Pike CountyShe and her team will be the sponsors of my new art exhibition and crosscultural and comprehensive art practice in 2013, she has become one of the best supporters of my dreamseeking
When I write here, I cannot help saying to myself, what a lucky person I am! If there wasnt so much good, helpful support from so many people and organizations, I would not be able to do anything, my dream could not come true at all
With a grateful heart, I would really like to say:“Thank You, my good professors, teachers, bosses and friends, I will cherish my luck and do my best to work towards helping more people with what I have learned and created, while continuing to improve myself every day”
I am a dreamseeker forever
Sincerely yours,
张一平Shirley Yiping Zhang
March 23, 2013